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HiAP Implementation Guide

The Health in All Policies approach makes health impacts central to decision-making processes. The strategies needed to create this culture change across sectors vary depending on context, and often take several intersecting and compounding efforts to see sustained change. The HiAP Implementation Guide builds on the 2017 SOPHIA HiAP Screening Guide to give practitioners actionable and adaptable resources, examples, and tips and tricks to implement specific HiAP strategies once they assess which ones are right for them.

This guide is organized by seven strategies for implementing HiAP:

    • develop and structure cross-sector relationships
    • enhance workforce capacity
    • incorporate health in decision making processes
    • coordinate funding and investments
    • integrate research, evaluation, and data systems
    • implement accountability structures
    • synchronize communications and messaging

All strategies work towards these five key elements of HiAP initiatives identified by American Public Health Association: (1) promote health, equity, and sustainability; (2) support cross-sector collaboration; (3) benefit multiple partners; (4) engage stakeholders; (5) create structural or procedural change. 

Please click on the link to the guide to learn more about implementing HiAP.

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