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Practitioner Workshop Sponsorship

In the last several decades, hundreds of communities worldwide have benefited from health impact assessments (HIAs) and Health in All Policies (HiAP). As the sole membership association for HIA practitioners, SOPHIA now has several hundred members worldwide. One of the main services SOPHIA provides to its members is organizing the HIA Practitioner Workshop. 

Annually, this event attracts approximately 50 health impact assessment and HiAP practitioners for strategic field building through workshops, presentations and networking. The participants represent a wide range of organizations and agencies, including government, academia, non-profits, community groups, private sector companies and health care systems. Our services continue to grow, and additional resources are needed to maintain and improve member services, training and technical assistance, and engage and support volunteers.

Participants report that the Workshop helps them connect with fellow practitioners, learn about new tools and resources, improve their HIA and HiAP capacity, and provide leadership to the field. The partnerships and initiatives formed at the Workshop often continue for years. Additionally, past workshops have produced seminal resources, including the Minimum Elements and Practice Standards and Guidance for Communicating about Equity in HIA. These resources and others produced at the Workshop are utilized by HIA/HiAP practitioners, funders, grantees, and partners alike as the gold standard for the HIA field and have helped unify and elevate HIA and HiAP practice worldwide.

SOPHIA is seeking sponsors who would be willing to help us host Workshops and support the field of HIA and HiAP. There are several different sponsorship levels and benefits to supporting SOPHIA this way.

Sponsorship Levels for a Virtual Workshop

  • Gold- $2,000
  • Silver- $1,000
  • Bronze- $500
  • Chrome - $250

Sponsor Benefits

    • Complimentary Workshop registrations (Silver and above; Gold receives two)
    • Complimentary annual membership to SOPHIA (Silver and above; Gold receives two)
    • Verbal recognition from the SOPHIA President during the opening session (Bronze and above)
    • Logo featured on registration website (Bronze and above) 
    • Organization name/logo on the SOPHIA website with active link to sponsor’s website (Bronze and above)
    • Special recognition in the SOPHIA newsletter promoting the Workshop 

    To become a SOPHIA sponsor, please use the donation box below. 

    If you prefer to donate by mail, please complete this donation form, make your check payable to Human Impact Partners, note that it is for PW Sponsorship, and mail it to:

    SOPHIA c/o Human Impact Partners 
    PO Box 3268
    Oakland, CA 94609

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